Aside from aesthetic qualities, successful plantings are dependant on proper setting with respect to climate, soil conditions, sun, wind exposure, and nearby structures such as buildings and utility lines.

When planting fruit trees, full exposure to sunlight is optimal for success.

When to plant bare root

While there are many variables to consider, bare root trees should be planted while still dormant. The trees should be planted in soil that is warm and dry enough to prepare an area that can accommodate the roots of the tree in their natural, spreading form. Late frosts should also be considered as young tender shoots can be damaged.


While ornamental trees and shrubs can often benefit from some pruning, usually to clear dead branches or for aesthetic or safety reasons, most can get along just fine without regular maintenance.

The benefits of pruning

  • Pruning reduces the number of growing points and, thereby, results in greater growth at the remaining points.
  • Pruning initiates a growth response at the location of a cut.
  • Pruning facilitates better penetration of sunlight and beneficial sprays.

When to prune?

  • At planting time to stimulate growth as soon as possible
  • Annually. This can be done in the Fall, but to reduce the possibility of winter injury it is better to start in early Spring and have the orchard finished just before the leaves push out.